Thursday, 13 December 2012


When I was out last night in Wirral (yeah, I know) I got to talking about music. It's often an emotive subject is music, blokes in particular seem to think they are experts simply because they have a penis. Seriously, I was at an event once where one man said - I kid ye not - women couldn't appreciate rock music properly "because you don't have enough testosterone". Another said women didn't 'get' music - "all you do is dance to it while we stand there, appreciating each note".


God bless you, my little cock rockers!

However, the person spouting nonsense about music last night was, I'm ashamed to say, someone of my own gender. She was FUMING that Paul McCartney 'thinks he's Kurt Cobain'. This was in reference to McCartney having the brass neck (shock, horror) to perform with the remaining members of Nirvana.

I sat on my hands to stop myself slapping her. I didn't want to break a nail.

At the gig (see, I know the lingo), as far as I know, Paul didn't do any Kurt Cobain impersonations, nor did he sing any Nirvana songs. He doesn't want to be Kurt - because he's PAUL McCARTNEY. You know, the bloke from that little known popular beat combo who've had no influence on anyone at all, The sodding Beatles.



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